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Liturgical Ministers

​​​When our parishes gather as a community to celebrate the Mass or a special service there are a variety of liturgical ministries that need filled in order for Mass or the service to be celebrated in a prayerful and respectful manner. All members of our Jeannette parish communities are encouraged to consider serving  in a liturgical or music ministry role that gives witness to our Catholic faith.

Our parish staff welcomes  inquiries about sharing your talent in any of the following ministries listed below. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Parish Office at 724-523-2560.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Members of the parish family, who assist the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, take Communion to the homebound, or to those in hospitals and/or nursing homes. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion receive a mandate from the bishop for this ministry and are specifically trained for this role. A candidate for this ministry needs to be at least 16 years of age and be fully initiated in the Roman Catholic Church.

Members of the parish family who proclaim the reading of Sacred Scripture at liturgical services. He or she may announce the Prayers of the Faithful in the absence of a deacon and the Responsorial Psalm in the absence of a cantor. A lector should be at least 16 years old and be fully initiated in the Roman Catholic Church.

Members of the parish family who assist parishioners and visitors with seating at weekend and Holy Day Masses. They are responsible for taking up the Offertory collection, recruiting individuals for the Procession of the Gifts and assisting in the handling of emergency situations.

Altar Server
Young children of the parish family (fifth grade and older) who assist the priest in the celebration of Mass and other liturgies. Adult men and women may serve in this capacity as needed and also for weekday Masses and funeral Masses. An adult server needs to be a full initiated member of the Catholic Church.

Members of the parish whose task it is to greet the parishioners and visitors before Mass and other liturgical celebrations throughout the year, welcoming all with hospitality.