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Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation ​brings to completion the grace received through Baptism. By this sacrament the baptized are more perfectly bound to the church and are enriched by the strength of the Holy Spirit. The gifts bestowed during this sacrament strengthen us to bear witness to Christ and build up his kingdom here on earth. Just as Jesus shared in Mat 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,” he also calls upon us to accept the same mission at our Confirmation.

Our parish communities Confirmation Preparation process will be family based, and is designed to help each one of us to grow in reverence and understanding of the sacredness of this ancient tradition and the importance of how this sacrament, in particular, equips us all to handle daily life as a Christian.

Our goal this year is to work with families to assist them as a primary part of the process in instructing and preparing their teen for the sacrament. A central part of everyone’s preparation for the sacraments is their regular participation in the Sunday Mass, as well as participation in Youth Ministry events. Therefore, especially during this year of Confirmation Preparation, I encourage you to make the regular Sunday celebration of Mass a family priority. Our 8:30 AM liturgy at Ascension Church will be an integral part of our preparation year.

As part of your preparation, eighth grade families, are invited to an event, Monday, September 26, 2022, at 6:00 PM, in Mersinger Hall. At this get together, the preparation process will be explained; a schedule and materials will be distributed, and allow you to ask any additional questions you might have as our preparation season begins.

When will the Sacrament of Confirmation take place?
The celebration of the sacrament for our 2022-23  Sacred Heart and Ascension eighth grade confirmation class will be, Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 7:00 PM in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 200 Leger Road, Irwin, with Bishop Larry J. Kulick.

How do we begin the preparation process for the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Glad you asked. Save the date and attend our Confirmation Parent/Candidate Gathering, Monday, September 26, 2022, at 6:00 PM in Mersinger Hall. A letter was mailed to all families where our parish records indicated an eighth grader is in your household.

What if I have questions?
Please don’t hesitate and reach out to the Parish Office at 724.523.2560.

Parent/Candidate Gathering

Save the Date
Monday, September 26, 2022
6:00 to 7:00 PM
Mersinger Hall
615 Division Street

Please bring your Confirmation Information Sheet that was included in your letter with you to this gathering.

The Confirmation Information Sheet includes key elements needed for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation, including a space for your Confirmation Sponsor information. Please note that your chosen sponsor must be eligible to serve in this role. If you are unsure, please refer to the qualifications listed to the right.

Confirmation Sponsor Eligibility

The Diocese of Greensburg has official qualifications of Confirmation Sponsors, as well as several guidelines and/or recommendations. Your Confirmation Sponsor should be a great example of what it means to be Catholic. They should be someone who will pray for you and be your support system. Confirmation equips us to handle life as a Christian, but it won’t always be easy. Your sponsor should be someone you know will be there for you through life’s trials and triumphs.

Qualifications of Confirmation Sponsors

  1. Be designated by the candidate, by the parents or guardians.
  2. Have the qualifications and intention of performing the role of sponsor.
  3. Be at least 16 years old.
  4. Be a fully initiated Catholic (received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist).
  5. Lead a life of harmony with the faith and role of a sponsor (i.e be a member of a Catholic parish, attend Mass on Sundays and holy days; not be in an irregular marriage, etc.).
  6. Not be bound by canonical penalty.
  7. Not be the father or mother of the one to be confirmed.

Our diocese continues the practice of requiring proof of eligibility for sponsorship (in accord with the qualifications above) from the parish in which the sponsor is registered. Have the eligibility form to Elisa Esasky, Pastoral Associate of Faith Formation and Evangelization, by January 2, 2023.

Confirmation Preparation Schedule

​The following dates, times and locations will list our upcoming Confirmation Preparation Schedule. These preparation sessions are family based. Teens and at least one parent must attend. Dates will be listed following the September gathering.

September 26, 2022
Gathering Event6:00 PMSt. Anthony Hall
October 9, 2022Family Session9:30 AMSt. Anthony Hall
November 13, 2022Family Session9:30 AMSt. Anthony Hall
January 8, 2023Family Session9:30 AMSt. Anthony Hall
February 12, 2023Family Session9:30 AMSt. Anthony Hall
March 12, 2023Family Session9:30 AMSt. Anthony Hall
May 7, 2023Confirmation Practice6:30 PMSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
May 10, 2023Reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation7:00 PM
Candidates must arrive
by 6:00 PM
– Bishop Kulick will
meet with all
candidates prior to Confirmation.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
Dates, times and locations are subject to change.

Corporal Works of Mercy | Family Service Project

No Time Is Better Spent Than in Service to Others

As part of the preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are asking each eighth grade confirmation candidate and their family to incorporate the Corporal Works of Mercy into some form of service for our parishes or broader community. Throughout the next few months, as a family, develop a way of showing how you can live out the Works of Mercy and serve your home parish and community at large.

At our March 12, 2023, session, we will include a celebration of the service work you and your family have completed. At that session, please bring your personalized poster depicting how you fulfilled the service opportunity of your choosing.
Your personalized poster should be:

  • No larger than 3′ x 4′ – poster board, foam board, etc.
  • Visibly and clearly depict your family name on the poster.
  • Include photographs of your acts of service.
  • A brief write up/description of the service work completed (share with us what you’ve done).
  • Additional depictions if you so desire; these could be hand drawn accounts, logos, thank you notes, testimonies, etc.

Past Confirmation Service Projects have included, but are not limited to, visits to the Ronald McDonald House, 5K runs/walks; chemo kits for hospital patients; handmade blankets for the elderly, neighborhood fall clean ups, clothing drives, and sponsored sports clinics.

We highly encourage you to select a service work that inspires YOU and revolves around YOUR passions in life. The sky is the limit.