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Do you like to sing?
Singing is praying twice! Whether it’s in the shower, while driving, cleaning or cooking, why not consider joining one of the choirs at Sacred Heart or Ascension churches? Although it’s helpful if you can read music, it’s NOT necessary, nor is it a requirement. Most of our choir members/cantors have no formal music training. We learn by practicing.

Music is an important part of our liturgy. Please reach out to Debra Fleming in the Parish Office at 724-523-2560 or 724-527-1303 if you have an interest or questions about joining one of the choirs below.

Choir Name​Choir Description
​COMBINED SACRED HEART/ASCENSION CHOIR ​There are several times each year when we come together as one church to celebrate (holy week, Tenebrae Service and other special Masses throughout the year).  We ask all choir members and cantors to join us in celebrating the Mass through music and song.

Rehearsals are usually combined with the Sacred Heart Senior Choir on Wednesday evenings (one hour for the Senior Choir and one hour for the Combined Choir).  If you are involved in the music ministry, we’ll contact you when rehearsals begin.
ASCENSION FOUR​Quartet which sings the fourth weekend of each month.  They sing the classic hymns of the church, as well as more contemporary hymns.
CANTORSFinally, if you are a “solo” act, please consider becoming a cantor.  The cantors  are responsible for leading the singing at weekend Masses.  Rehearsals are arranged individually to accommodate everyone’s schedule.