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Parish Organizations

​Pastoral Council
Members of the parishes who, as a group, serve as a consultative body to the pastor. It is a visioning body which utilizes the many and varied gifts of the laity to guide the parish community in the discernment, expression and fulfillment of its pastoral mission. The role of the council is to maintain the integrity of the parish mission and the goal and objectives related to it through ongoing pastoral planning.

Jeannette Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society is a Catholic organization which is open to both male and female members of both Jeannette parishes. The society promotes reverence for the sacred names of God and Jesus Christ; obedience and loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church; and the personal sanctification and holiness of its members. Activities of the group include monthly meetings, a golf outing, visits to the sick, vigils for deceased members and their families and retreats. The society provides financial assistance to parish youth programs, those studying for the priesthood and a variety of parish projects. No dues are collected, but a “Dollar-a-Month” club and assorted fundraising efforts support the many charitable works of the society.

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus Council #1222 is a Catholic fraternal organization founded in 1882 by Blessed Father Michael McGivney. Each knight lives out, in his own life; the order’s principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The organization provides its members and their families opportunities for service to the Catholic Church, to the community and to young people. Any Catholic gentleman, 18 years or older, is eligible for membership entitling them to its many programs and benefits. Meetings are held monthly.

Rosary Altar Society
The Rosary Altar Society (RAS) seeks to enhance the spiritual welfare of the women of the parish through special devotion to the Blessed Mother. Both parishes have an active chapter. The only obligation of the members is to recite the 15 mysteries of the Rosary once a week, while reflecting and meditating upon the mysteries. There are several fundraisers throughout the year to assist in the needs of the parish. Monthly meetings are held with a social following the meeting. Corporate reception of holy Communion takes place on the first Sunday of the month at the 8:30 a.m., Mass at Ascension Church and the 10:30 a.m., Mass at Sacred Heart Church.

Prayer Chain
When united in prayer for a common purpose, prayer is much more powerful. A dedicated group of parishioners have adopted this philosophy and when a request for a particular person or circumstance is received, two teams of men and women form a spiritual chain through the telephone together and pray as one. They also pray for the various needs of the parish.

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